Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Essays on web design interaction usability experience architecture

Scott Berkun hosts uiweb -- I think I've referred to it before. It's a great blog with a keen focus on the more intangible yet totally necessary aspects of designing online (and other environments too). Berkun calls it, "Essays on web design interaction usability experience architecture".

One particular essay looks at how to run a brainstorming meeting, July 2004. Often the climate in which we work may feel contrained to 'getting things done' and then moving on to the next task on our things to do list. Berkun's account opens up potentially more productive meetings through brainstorming and also on how you can get the most from those brainstorming sessions - a key issue.

I've been working with some academics in a Social Work course as well as with my ed design colleagues where brainstorming has occurred to try to flesh out ideas across the course that can be developed for the online units and the course website. The process has been a social one as much as a professional activity geared twoards achieving outcomes. The group processes involved in communicating ideas and queries has engaged people across fields of interest to share an understanding that will ultimately inform the development of the units in the course. This helps make the process of design and development much more meaningful for everyone involved. I have certainly enjoyed such as experience and it has already benefitted my work within a unit of the course itself.

Question: What successful brainstorming stories can you share? Post a comment here.

Now, off to finish Berkun's essay! Why not have a look too?! :o)

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