Wednesday, October 26, 2005

So, it's official - goodbye Monash for me! (well it's in the news!)

Here's a news article from The Australian (you might have to login to read it in full?), outlining the situation some staff at Monash find themselves in - me included! Thus, my lack of "online-ness" recently (I've been in hiding whilst dealing with stuff here, including moving house, etc!)...

I hope to be back on board sometime in November, once I have a break, back in my hometown of Pemberton in WA (beautiful spot!), and I've unpacked my computer once we arrive at our new home in Canberra.

.....stay tuned....! [Whistles: "I'm on the road again...!"]


James said...

Am sure it's not the last we're going to hear of you!

Well, certainly hope it isn't.

Good luck with the move, the road and all that!


Anonymous said...

Wish you all the best.


Marg said...

Thanks guys! A quick rest and a bit of 'pick-me-up' then I'll be back into it for sure!

Marg :o)